Welcome to CodinGarret.dev!

Hi! I’m LM. Garret, a Software Engineer and HomeLab enthusiast - this blog reflects both passions!

Linux battery life on an Asus G14

Context TLDR; Battery life on the G14 has always been a struggle, on Windows or Linux, but we can improve it. I’m using Aurora but this should apply to all modern Linux distros. Hi! After letting my laptop live a long and peaceful Windows-life, I wanted to finally make the switch to Linux for this great machine. I’m already familiar with Linux, having used it for my studies, professionally, my HomeLab....

LM. Garret

VSCode in Podman dev container

I wrote this guide since I installed a Fedora immutable desktop spin (Bazzite) on my desktop and decided to set it up for development as well. Since toolbox and Podman are already installed out of the box, I thought it would be interesting to go all the way in and develop using VSCode attached to a Podman dev container created by toolbox. This unfortunately does not work perfectly out of the box, and I intend to keep this guide up-to-date with all the changes I had to perform in order to get my dev environment up and running!...

LM. Garret